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LIVE REPORT - Nightmare Tour Final MAJESTIC - Nippon Budokan 08.29.2009

Fue un gran show. No fue tan bueno como five stars knight, pero estoy muy contento de haber podido asistir con mis amigos, y un genial grupo de fans extranjeros. ¡Tuve un gran momento!

Para comenzar, llegue al lugar a las 9:30, y ya había fila para comprar goods. No estaba súper larga, pero llegue y aparte un lugar para todos, los fans llegaban constantemente, y por fin los stands abrieron y hubo una lucha por las mercancías al mediodía, la línea iba y venía en la explanada seis veces y fuera de la puerta principal. Fue un día muy caliente, y el sol estaba muy fuerte. Tuve miedo de que la gente se desmayara.

 Afortunadamente, después de una tonta cantidad de tiempo, pudimos comprar los goods, y estuvimos los suficientemente temprano como para adquirir los poster de edición limitada que queríamos ( tener el rostro de hitsugi en la pared de mi sala es genial!), y nos sentamos por un momento hasta que llego el tiempo de entrar.

Fuimos a nuestros asientos… yo estaba en el bloque A, fila 7, en una asiento entre hitsugi a la derecha de la plataforma. Fue un buen lugar, porque había muchos asientos mas lejos de la derecha, y no se podía ver bien. Estaba listo para disfrutar de los chicos cuando ellos salieron y bajaron de la rampa y tocaron en la plataforma. Todos pero ruka (claro) bajo a su lugar habitual, sakito dio un par de paseos en el escenario y hitsugi fue de arriba abajo un poco. El fue con la gente del balcón junto a la plataforma y luego bajo de ahí un poco y se coloco delante de mí a tocar un momento.

Escenario: allí habían unas plataformas en cada extremo del escenario con rampas que subían y bajaban, y una gran pantalla detrás del escenario. Claro hubo unos asombrosos efectos de luz usándolos en el techo y en las paredes del lugar. Había estrellas y paisajes y más cosas que parecían como las paredes de edificios romanos antiguos. El sonido fue bueno, pero un poco mas fuerte en algunos lugares, de hecho tuve que cubrir mis oídos una vez; sacrilegio.

Vestuarios: primero los chicos traían el vestuario de majestical parade, pero con unos toques añadidos. Histugi estaba con dreads (supongo que es dreadlocks... rastas), rubio con algo azul y rojo añadido, y la mitad en un nudo. Los otros chicos tenía también otras cosas de mas pero no las recuerdo. Que alguien me ayude a recordar >_<. También hitsugi no pudo usar sus lentes contacto anchos, pero traía unos normales. Sus ojos reales son tan bonitos. Los tenía rojos, pobrecito.

A la mitad se cambiaron y estaban todos de negro. Yomi traía una falda negra genial a cuadros, y hitsugi también. Era como una falda para hombre. Hubiera deseado que el hubiera usado un saco negro como el que uso en el PV de melody, porque le quedaba genial. El no trajo puesto su cola por el resto del show.
Después ellos estuvieron de blanco, el nuevo, que ustedes ya han visto.

MCs: me disculpo. No pude entender mucho de lo que dijeron, porque fue un show muy abrumador. Al inicio, creo que yomi dijo “este es nuestro show numero 32 y ultimo de la gira, etc” después hablaron acerca del ojo izquierdo de hitsugi (para los que lo ignoran, se le arrancó la cornea en un lugar del show de Fukuoka). Histugi se disculpo con todos por haberlos preocupado, y todos así de “estas bien?” y el dijo “oh si, si” y sus labios estaban temblando. Pienso que el quería llorar. Era obvio que no sentía al 100%, pero deseaba tanto intentar hacer lo mejor de el por nosotros.
Hubo un acoso de sakito, y yomi hablo con niya e incluso ruka. Gran parte de la conversación no fue tan alegre como usualmente lo son, aunque estas cosas son más fácil de recordar.

Dentro del show…


Ellos comenzaron mostrando un montaje de five Stara knight show. Luego la pantalla se partió y los chicos bajaron al escenario igual que la primer show.

Star knight (estábamos en shock de escucharla primero). Fue hermoso, después los chicos salieron se oscureció y después, todas las estrellas bajaron, y la canción comenzó. Llore, no pude contenerme, nos volvieron a estremecer.
Mr. Trash music
Can you do it? (en estas canciones estaba gustoso de estar en una sección con gente que seriamente estaba emocionada. Fue salvaje.
Cynical re:actor (ellos tocaron esta vez el dialogo en ingles, y letra estaba escrita en las pantallas laterales, pero no le puse mucha atención.
Dirty, primero estuve de: cual canción es esta?... y era dirty.
Tokio shounen
Love addict (aquí esta, el nuevo “adulto” b-side de “rem”. Es una canción muy bonita; tengo que escucharla unas cuantas veces mas para saber como realmente me siento acerca de esta canción.)
Wasurena kusa
Nothing you lose (hermosa como siempre. Después de esta los chicos salieron del escenario)
MELODY(YOMIピアノソロ) (“yomi piano solo”. Hermosa. Espero que puedan sacarla en un álbum.
Intermedio musical, los otros miembros regresaron al escenario con trajes negros y hitsugi con su “vestido”… me imagino que con la falda ya mencionada.
Masquerade (para esta/dasei boggie/last show/moebius -the brass- (no se que sea) y el Chico del teclado tocaron con la banda. Sonaba fantástico, mucho mejor que el grabado. Una bola de discoteca bajo para masquerede, y tuvimos un esplendido momento de euforia. Todas estas canciones llenas de swing son mis favoritas
The last show
Moebius no yuutsu
Dasei boggie
Hate (he dicho anteriormente que ellos tenían que tocar esta, y lo hicieron.
極東乱心天国, (en Hiroshima, yomi le pido prestada una de las guitarras a sakito para tocarla con los otros 4, escuche que antes tomaba un trapeador como guitarra para practicar, esta vez le dieron una guitarra, con un láser verde por dentro, y el toco y el laser disparaba luz alrededor del techo. Pero luego se la dio (me imagino que a los chicos de detrás del escenario) quien tuvo problemas para manejarla por la línea del laser. Fue completamente gracioso.


Los chicos salieron, con su nuevo atuendo de REM.
Lost in blue
Boys be suspicious (en el intro todos nos volvimos locos
ジャイアニズム究 (sorpresivamente no hubo tantos gianizms esta vez)
The Fool. (yomi definitivamente señalo a ruka para hacer tiempo extra)

Los chicos salieron del escenario de nuevo del escenario, pero hitsugi se demoro. Todavía tengo esta imagen en mi cabeza. Lo mencione anteriormente, pero el se quedo allí en su micrófono con su guitarra encendida y nos miro y sonrió. Creo, ahora se lo rápido que fue el set final, el sabia que no tendría otra oportunidad después, y quería estar con nosotros. Finalmente apago su guitarra, fue en frente de mi sección e hizo su usual referencia de agradecimiento antes de partir.


Los chicos salieron de nuevo; yomi y niya traían las playeras negras del tour encima de las blancas, pero los demás traían los mismos atuendos.

Morpho (loco, fue loco. Esta fue asombrosa. A la mitad de la canción, de repente comenzó a nevar pequeños pétalos blancos de papel. Miles de ellos. Comenzamos a atraparlos como niños, fue cuando vi a hitsugi a los ojos tocando la guitarra pero mirándonos y sonriéndonos con una gran sonrisa que no le había visto en toda la tarde.

Chronicle (yomi dijo “esta es la ultima” en ingles y todos estábamos de… NOO. Porque era la segunda canción. Pero después de esta dieron gracias y salieron del escenario. Hitsugi dijo su típico “oyasumi” pero todos estábamos pasmados. No lagrimas, nada de paseos alrededor del escenario.
La pantalla se puso en negro, con la leyenda "show majestical parade is dead", después de eso vinieron los créditos. Todo esto estuvo enteramente en ingles. Luego los anuncios vinieron –bilingüe- del saitama super arena y el nuevo álbum, y claro todos gritamos. Pero luego estábamos en shock por el final abrupto, y empezamos a cantar “ encore” de nuevo”. Fue inútil, encendieron la luz y nos sacaron.

En inglés:
Overall... it was a good show. It wasn't as good as Five Star Night, I don't think, but I am very glad I could be there with my boys, and with a nice group of foreign fans. I had a fantastic time! ♥

To start with, I showed up to the venue at 930am, and there was already a line for the goods. It wasn't SUPER long, but I jumped in and held a spot for everyone. >D Fans steadily showed up, and by the time the goods counter finally opened at noon, the line ran back and forth across the courtyard about 6 times, and out the main gate. It was a very hot day, and the sun sucked. I was afraid people would start passing out. --
This is what it looked like standing in the "line." Hur hur.

Fortunately, after a silly amount of time we did get to buy goods, and we were early enough to get the limited-edition posters we wanted (I now have Hitsugi's face on my living room wall XD It's HUGE). We did gatchapon (I got lots of Hitsugi things, including the limited red star charm they had.. also got lots of RUKA. WTF XD), and then sat around for a while until it was time to go in.

We all go to our seats... I was in the A-block, row 7, and in a seat between Hitsugi and the right-most platform. It was a good spot, cuz there were seats much farther over to the right, and they couldn't see as well. :/ I was able to enjoy the guys very well when they went up and down the ramp and played on the platform. XD Everyone but RUKA (of course) came over at some point, Sakito made a couple trips and Hitsugi was up and down there quite a bit. ^^ He would egg on the people in the balcony next to the platform, and then he came down the platform a bit, stood right in front of me and played for a little while. ♥

Anyway, backing up a bit. STAGE AND TECHNICAL: There were the platforms at each end of the stage, with ramps up and down, and a huge screen behind the stage. It was a bit more decontructed than the last Budokan, in keeping with the MP's general theme. Yomi's platform was there, though.
Of course, there were some awesome light effects using the ceiling and walls of the place. There were stars and landscapes and stuff that looked like the walls of ancient roman buildings. Oo;
Sound was good, and not off-balance, but a bit TOO loud in some places. I actually had to cover my ears once. Oo; Sacrilege.

COSTUMES: First set was the boys in their MP gear, but with little added touches. Hitsugi was in dreads, blonde with some blue and red ones added in, and half pulled-up in a knot. The other boys had stuff added but I can't remember what. >_< Someone please remind me. Also, Hitsugi couldn't do his wide contacts, but he had regular ones in. His real eyes are so pretty. ;_; They were a touch red, though, poor kid.
Mid-way through first set they changed to all-black. Yomi had a cool black-plaid kilt on, and Hitsugi had this dress-thing on. It was like a man-skirt. XD I wish he had worn a black coat outfit akin to what he had in the MELODY pv, cuz that was a lot hotter on him. ;_; He didn't have his tail for the rest of the show, either.
Then there was the white, the new stuff, which you have seen. ^^

MCs: I apologize. I didn't catch a lot of what was going on, because it was such an overwhelming show. At first, though, Yomi was like "yay, this is the 32nd and last show of our tour, etc" and then he addressed the issue of Hitsu's left eye (for those of you unaware, he tore a cornea somewhere around the Fukuoka show). Hitsugi apologized to everyone for making them worry, and all of us were like DAIJOUBU?? (Are you OK??) and he was like "yeah, yeah" and his lip was twitching. I thought he was going to cry. ;_; It was obvious he wasn't feeling 100% but he wanted so badly to try for our sakes.
There was some harassment of Sakito, and Yomi chatted with Ni~ya and even Ruka. A lot of the conversation was not the light-hearted stuff we usually get, though. :/ That stuff is a lot easier to remember. I'll go over it again when the DVD comes out. ^^;;;

On to the show itself...


They started by showing a montage from the Five Star Night show. Then the screen parted and the boys were lowered onto the stage the same way they were for the first show. XD We all went batshit.


Star[K]night (We were shocked to hear it FIRST. It was GORGEOUS... after the boys came out it got dark and then.. all these stars came out, and the song started. I cried; I couldn't help myself. ^^; They shot out streamers again, and I got a bunch of them. XDDD)
Mr.trash music
Can you do it? (all through these songs, I was glad to be in a section with people seriously into the furi. XD It was wild.)
Cynical Re:actor (They played the English dialogue this time, and script in English came up on the side screens, but it didn't make a ton of sense. ^^;)
DIRTY (ROFL, at first I was like WTF is this song, and then figured out it was DIRTY. XD I think for this one Yomi and Hitsu were up on the platform over me playing around XD)
love addict (Here it is, the new "adult" B-side for "_Rem". It was a pretty good song; I have to hear it a few more times to really see how I feel about it, though.)
Nothing you lose (Gorgeous as usual. After this, the guys all went off stage.)
************************Instrumental intermission (Piano; YOMI returns to stage.)
MELODY(YOMIピアノソロ) ("YOMI Piano Solo." BEAUTIFUL. I hope they release an album with this on it.)
************************Instrumental intermission (Piano/Brass; other members return to stage in all-black costumes. Hitsu is in his "dress" XDDD)
MASQUERADE (For this/LAST SHOW/Moebius/Dasei Boogie the brass and keyboard guys played with the band. It sounded fantastic, much better than the usual recorded stuff. The bigass disco ball came down for MASQUERADE of course, and we had a splendid time doing the furi. All these songs are a big swing-y, so they're among my favorites to dance to live XD)
HATE (I said before the show that they HAD to play this, and they did. People went NUTS. I know the furi for this very well and so did most everyone. LOVE LOVE LOVE.)
バックストリートチルドレン (More old! They do this at every show it seems.)
極 東乱心天国 (AHAHAHAHAH. So at Hiroshima, Yomi borrowed one of Sakito's guitars to play along with the others during the 4-member-and-audience headbang thing, and then at Tochigi I hear he had a mop with a guitar CUTOUT on it... THIS time they gave him a clear, inflatable guitar, with a green laser inside, and he "played" it and was shooting laser light around the ceiling. XD Then he gave it to the roadie who had trouble handling it, cuz of the laser cord. It was completely hilarious. Bless Yomi's little heart. XD We didn't get to do as much of a sing-along this time, though D:)


(The boys come out, this time in their new white _Rem outfits. Hitsu was tugging at his a little. XD It was kind of a shock seeing them in white, but it really makes a statement.)

Rem_ (YAAAAAAAY!!!! It's very good. It sounds a lot like Star[K]night, but hey. At least we got a preview.)
Lost in Blue (Okay, it's growing on me.)
シンプライフ (I like this but at this point I am ready for fast stuff again...)
BOYS BE SUSPICIOUS (The intro played, and we all went crazy. XDDDD Thank you thank you.)
ジャイアニズム究 (Surprised at the lack of gianizms this time around..)
クラッシュ!?ナイトメアチャンネル (AHAHAHAHHA. I don't even try to do furi for this. Yomi had us start the song again, though.)
the FOOL×4 (Yomi definitely signaled RUKA to do this an extra time; they prolly originally meant to do it only twice. It was good, but nowhere near as fantastically wonderful as the Hiroshima round, where we went like TWELVE TIMES and everyone fell over in a happy heap. ;_;)

(The boys made their way offstage again, but Hitsugi lingered. I still have this image in my head. ;_; I mentioned this before, but he just stood there at his mic, with his guitar on, and looked out at us and smiled. I think, now that I know how quick the final set really was, that he knew that he wouldn't have another chance after that, and wanted to stay with us. ;_; Finally, he took off his guitar, came over in front of my section and did his usual thank-you bow before departing.)

Encore #2
(The guys come back out again; Yomi and Ni~ya have put on black tour shirts over their white, but everyone else was in the same outfits.)

Morpho (CRAZY. I WENT CRAZY. This was AMAZING. In the middle of the song, suddenly, it starts to snow little white paper flower petals. THOUSANDS OF THEM. There were fans blowing and swirling them around. We had to stop furi-ing because they were getting stuck to us and we couldn't see the stage. XD All of us were standing there with our heads tipped back and our arms out like kids in a blizzard... it was here that I made brief eye contact with Hitsugi on stage, playing but watching and smiling at us with the biggest, happiest grin I had seen on his face all evening. ;;_;; It made me melt. I will never, ever forget it.)
クロ ニクル (Ok, I think we thought it was Crevasse but yeah.. Chronicle. YOMI said "last one, last one," in English, and we were like NO. THERE MUST BE A CATCH. Cuz it was only the second song. But after this, they just said thanks, and waved, and walked off. Hitsugi still did his customary "OYASUMI!!" but we were stunned. No tears, no tossing, no strolling around the stage.
The screen changed to black, with the show's "majestical parade is dead" logo, and then it went to credits for the tour. All of this was entirely and soley in English. ^^;;
Then the announcement came up--bilingual--for the Saitama Super Arena show and the new album, and of course we all screamed and carried on. But then, we were still kind of shocked by the abrupt ending, and we started to chant ENCORE again. It was pointless though.. they turned the lights on and kicked us out.)

I really want to see what the boys thought of the no-frills walk-off ending. We were obviously upset about that; I'm wondering if that was their choice or if someone had insisted it be that way. I am sure Hitsugi and prolly Sakito would have liked to stay out there, and couldn't. :<

After this, we gathered ourselves together and filed out. We met up in front of the little cafe next door, and spent a long while talking and rehashing the show. I was sad when it was time to go home because our group was really good. Let's meet up again for Saitama!!! *raises fist* XDDD

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